Meigle Cricket Club
Minute of A.G.M. Held in the Pavilion
On Sunday 25th November 2012 at 7.00pm
There were 12 members present.
Apologies: - C Dickson, A Trivedi, D Christie & C Mitchell.
Financial Report: - The secretary issued members with a copy of the financial statement & read out his report which showed a surplus of £1,750.08
Match Secretary’s Report: - In a difficult season which was one of the wettest on record in which games were called off earlier than ever, Thursday on some occasions. The 1st Xl finished ninth in the premier division on 35.64%, wining two of eleven games completed. They also reached the semi-finals of the 3 counties cup beaten by Perth Doocot & in the Village Cup defeated on the last ball by Freuchie. In the Murgatriod Cup they were defeated by Perth Doocot.
The 2nd XL finished fourth in Division 3 on 64% having won five of their eighjt completed games. They were defeated by Rossie Priory in the first round of the 2 counties cup.
Individuality PJ Drummond won the highest batting average in the Premier division with 78.5% although his season was cut short with a serious knee injury.
Election of Office Bearers:-
President W Morton
Vice President PCJ Drummond
Secretary/Treasurer W Scott
Match Secretary D Christie
1st XL Captain I Stewart
1st XL Vice Captain J Morrison
2nd XL Captain S Boyer
2nd XL Vice Captain C Dickson
Committee: - As above plus: - C Mitchell, B Morrison, D Robertson, PJ Drummond, A Trivedi
Selection Committee: - I Stewart, J Morrison, S Boyer, C Dickson & PJ Drummond.
Auditor: - D Christie.
Youth Convenor: - PJ Drummond.
Hall Rep: - W Morton.
Park Rep: - PJ Drummond.
Groundsman: - C Mitchell.
Fees: - Seniors £50.00
U18s £20.00.
U 15s Free.
Non Playing Members £20.00.
Match Fees £5.00.
Teas: - As Before (Players to Bring Tea for Two).
Juniors: - Peter confirmed that the Perth & Kinross Development Officer would be visiting Meigle Primary School during the summer to promote cricket in the area which hopefully Meigle CC would benefit from. Kwick Cricket & U 13 Friendlies to be arranged.
It was also agreed the the U15 members would get free membership & Teas.
Strathmore Union: - There were five motions to vote on:-
Agenda Item No 7:- Application for Membership, Dalnacraig 2nd XL. (Yes).
Agenda Item No 8:- Change to Subscriptions. (Yes).
Agenda item No 9:- Club contribution for Neutral Umpires in Premier Division Only. (Yes)
Agenda Item No 10:- Change to the Constitution. (Yes).
Agenda Item No 11:- Change to the conditions of Play. (Yes).
Presentation of Trophies:-
Coventry Cup: - D Christie
Alex Easson Cup: - D Christie (277 Runs).
David Easson Cup: - I Stewart
PM Drummond Cup: - S Boyer
Rollo Cup: - S Boyer
CJ Picket Trophy: -
Urquhart Quaich: - PJ Drummond
Benzies Quaich: -
G Sturrock Memorial Trophy: - A Gilmour
1) New practice nets have been installed at a cost of £27,000.00 which was made up of mainly grants & donations. Many thanks to PJ Drummond for his hard work from start to finish in in making the new nets a reality
2) A lightweight roller (Less than 500kg) to be purchased to roll to practice nets.
3) The constitution has been revised & brought up to date.
4) I Stewart noted that he would like our home games to start at 12.00 noon.
5) C Mitchell requested that the triple mower is serviced prior to the start of the season; he also noted that we would require 1 bag of grass seed, 20 bags of top dressing & 2 nr scorebooks
6) I Stewart enquired as to what our next project would be Artificial wicket or covers. PJ Drummond commented that covers would be more beneficial than an artificial wicket. Craig Mitchell suggested that local business could be contacted for sponsorship, a figure of around £6,000 + storage would be required.
8) Existing artificial wicket to be lifted & reinstated back to grass.
9) Ian Stewart has been busy trying to source Practice & Playing clothing for the coming season.
The meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the chair.