Congrats to all winners of prizes in the Grand Prize Draw - thank you to all who supported us in raising £1,500 !! See a photo of it in the gallery on left side of the page.
Meigle Cricket Club Christmas Draw 2014 Winner
- 22” TV - Grace Grant, Newtyle
- £100 hamper - Frances Anderson, Meigle
- Golf voucher-4-Strathmore - Fiona Young, Glamis
- £50 drink hamper - Sid Emslie, Newtyle
- Bottle of malt whisky - Kieran Gillies, Perth
- Beauty voucher – ChristineJane Morton, Newtyle
- Cake stand - Andy Neave, Burrelton
- Bottle of wine - Sandra Fleming, Newtyle
- Duncan Ferguson book - Josephine Clark, Auchterhouse
- Bottle of whisky - J Martin, Perth
- Mystery prize - Helen Menzies, Alyth
- Bottle of wine - Liz Lyon, Meigle
- Mystery prize - Margaret Aitchison, Newtyle
- Bottle of gin - Liz Brown, Longleys
- Mystery prize - Jacqueline Fleming, Meigle
- Bottle of wine - Susan Churches, Meigle
- Mystery prize - Chris Smith, Alyth
- Bottle of whisky - Eoghan Stewart, Ross-shire